
梅花岭上的南北路口, On the crossroad of north and south on Meihua Ridge, 凄风苦雨把征衣湿透。 Cold wind and bitter rain soak through my armor. 越过梅岭谁与我同路, Who will travel with me across the Meihua Ridge, 回到家乡却身为俘囚。 Only to return captive to my hometown. 山河将存在万古千秋, The mountains and rivers will exist for eternity, 城郭却哲时落入敌手。 But the city and walls may fall into enemy hands. 饿死家乡是我的愿望, My wish is to starve to death in my hometown, 梦里采蔽在首阳山头。 And in my dreams, to pick wild vegetables on Shouyang Mountain. 注释: 1. 梅花岭:古代战争中重要的战略要冲。 2. 征衣:行军中用的盔甲。 3. 俘囚:被俘虏作为囚犯。 4. 城郭:古代都市重要的保护措施。 5. 首阳山:宋代一个著名的山川名胜地。

诗文: 梅花南北路,风雨湿征衣。

相关标签:爱国 <