
可恨你不像江边楼上高悬的明月, I hate that you are not like the bright moon hanging high above the building by the riverbank, 不管人们南北东西四处漂泊, no matter where people wander in the north, south, east, or west, 明月都与人相伴不分离。 the moon stays with them without ever leaving. 可恨你就像江边楼上高悬的明月, I hate that you are just like the bright moon hanging high above the building by the riverbank, 刚刚圆满就又缺了, just when you become full, you are soon missing, 等到明月再圆不知还要等到何时。 and who knows how long we will have to wait until it becomes full again. 注释: 1. “可恨”是表示厌恶、不满的情绪词语,意为“令人遗憾或不满意的”。 2. “明月”是指月亮。 3. “南北东西”是指四个方向,是中文中常用的表述方式。 4. “相伴不分离”是指形影不离,一同行走,这里指月亮始终陪伴人类。

诗文: 恨君不似江楼月,南北东西,南北东西,只有相随无别离。

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