
《满江红·题太原灵应观》 汉译纷纷凋零的树叶飘上香阶, (汉译注解:汉语翻译纷纷凋零的树叶飘落在香阶之上。) 寒夜一片静寂,只听见风吹落叶细碎的声息。 (注解:在漫长、寂静的寒夜里,只有风吹落叶的声音。) 高楼空寂,卷起真珠帘,观看夜色, (注解:孤身一人登高楼,空气中只有凄凉的寂静,卷起真珠帘,眺望夜色。) 天色清明,银河斜垂到地。 (注解:此时正是初夏时节,晴空万里。银河倾泻,犹如一道道银色的绸带悬挂在天空。) 年年今夜,月色都如白绸一般皓洁,人却常常远隔千里。 (注解:每年的这个时候,月色总是像皓洁的白绸一样清亮,但是常常有离别在身,相距千里。) 我如何能用沉醉来忘却,酒到不了已断的愁肠,先就变成泪水。 (注解:我如何才能借酒浓情来忘记遥远的离人?但是,我内心深处的伤痛却无法用酒来舒解,只有泪水流淌。) 深夜里残灯忽明忽暗,斜靠枕头,我尝尽孤眠的滋味。 (注解:深夜里,房间中点着微弱的灯光,时明时暗,我孤独地斜靠在枕头上,品尝孤眠的滋味。) 你看这离愁别怨,不是来在眉间,便是潜入心底, (注解:你看这失去的离愁与别怨,不管是写在眉眼之间还是藏在心底,都无法避免。) 我简直无法将它回避。 (注解:我简直无法回避这种刻骨铭心的痛楚。) 英译: Lyrics to the Imperial Drive Melody - Fan Zhongyan Fallen leaves desultorily drift over pot plants lined stairs, On a quiet night, only the whispers of the wind and rustling leaves can be heard. Ascending the high building, I roll up the pearl curtains to gaze at the night sky, Where the Milky Way streams down to Earth on a clear and bright evening. Every year on this night, the moon shines like white silk so bright, Yet we are often separated by thousands of miles despite its light. How can I forget this pain with drinking or distractions, When it's already turned to tears due to the broken heart's actions. Through the dimly lit night, the lamp flickers in and out of sight, Laying on my pillow at an angle, I taste the bitterness of lonely nights. This sorrow and anger from our parting cannot be brushed aside, No matter if it's written on my face or buried deep inside.

诗文: 纷纷坠叶飘香砌。夜寂静,寒声碎。真珠帘卷玉楼空,天淡银河垂地。年年今夜,月华如练,长是人千里。

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