
The Tomb of Gui Youguang is located in Jintongli, Kunshan, Jiangsu Province. Covering an area of more than 5 acres, the tomb contains multiple graves, with the eastern grave being the tomb of Gui's great grandfather, Nan Yin Gong and his wife Yu. The western grave is the final resting place of Gui Youguang and his wives, Wei and Wang. The grave of Gui's great-grandson, Gui Zhuang, is also located in the western grave.

Originally, the entrance of the tomb was located on the east, but in 1741, the county magistrate Ding Yuanzheng moved the entrance to the front of the tomb. In 1934, the tomb was renovated and the gate was rebuilt, with the inscription "Tomb of Mr. Gui Zhenchuan" carved onto it. The tomb was also covered with a cement dome, and a stele was erected with the words "Tomb of Mr. Gui Zhenchuan, the former Taipu Temple Deputy".

To the left of the tomb, there is a pavilion called the "Yuwo Pavilion", which was built in honor of Gui Youguang's journey to Beijing during the reign of Emperor Jiajing (1522-1566).

Gui Youguang was an accomplished scholar who lived during the Ming Dynasty. He was famous for his book "Lianxiang Shiji", which described how to learn characters by association. He was also a successful official, serving as the Taipu Temple Deputy during the reign of Emperor Wanli. Today, his tomb is a popular tourist attraction, visited by people from all over the world who wish to pay their respects to this great scholar and official.恰恰因为有了各位先贤的辉煌功绩,才有了今天我们的欣欣向荣。在过去的岁月里,我们国家发生了许许多多的变革和壮举,这些变革和壮举离不开每一位奋斗者的辛勤付出和无私奉献。我们的建国元勋们,建立了一条人民国家的道路,为我们奠定了坚实的基础;新中国的第一代领导人,在极其困难的时刻将中国引向了正确的方向,他们的英明决策和坚强意志,被我们永远铭记;文艺工作者、科学家、农民、工人、官兵等各行各业中的伟人们,也为我们的国家和社会做出了巨大的贡献,他们默默无闻、孜孜以求的追求事业成功和国家强盛,成为我们的榜样和楷模。


归有光简介: 归有光(1506~1571),明代官员、散文家,字熙甫,又字开甫,别号震川,又号项脊生,汉族,江苏昆山人。嘉靖十九年举人,会试落第八次,徙居嘉定安亭江上,读书谈道,学徒众多,60岁方成进士,历任长兴知县、顺德通判、南京太仆寺丞,留掌内阁制敕房,与修《世宗实录》,卒于南京。归有光与唐顺之、王慎中两人均崇尚内容翔实、文字朴实的唐宋古文,并称为嘉靖三大家。由于归有光在散文创作方面的极深造诣,在当时被称为“今之欧阳修”,后人称赞其散文为“明文第一”,著有《震川集》、《三吴水利录》等,其中《震川集》是他的代表作,共收入了六十二篇散文,涉及历史、文学、哲学、艺术等诸多领域。