
独自行走郊野,樗树枝叶婆娑。 Dúzì xíngzǒu jiāoyě, chúshù zhīyè pósuō. Alone I walk in the wilds, the leaves of the paulownia rustling. 因为婚姻关系,才来同你生活。 Yīnwèi hūnyīn guānxì, cái lái tóng nǐ shēnghuó. It was because of our marriage that we came to live together. 你不好好待我,只好我回乡国。 Nǐ bù hǎohǎo dài wǒ, zhǐhǎo wǒ huí xiāngguó. You don't treat me well, so I have to return to my hometown. 独自行走郊野,采摘羊蹄野菜。 Dúzì xíngzǒu jiāoyě, cǎizhāi yángtí yěcài. Alone I walk in the wilds, picking up wild vegetables and goat's hoof. 因为婚姻关系,日夜与你同在。 Yīnwèi hūnyīn guānxì, rìyè yǔ nǐ tóngzài. It was because of our marriage that I am with you day and night. 你不好好待我,回乡我不再来。 Nǐ bù hǎohǎo dài wǒ, huí xiāng wǒ bù zàilái. You don't treat me well, so I won't come back even if I return to my hometown. 独自行走郊野,采摘葍草细茎。 Dúzì xíngzǒu jiāoyě, cǎizhāi fú cǎo xì jīng. Alone I walk in the wilds, picking slender stems of Polygonum hydropiperoides. 不念结发妻子,却把新欢找寻。 Bù niàn jiéfà qīzi, què bǎ xīn huān zhǎosōng. Not thinking of my wife, but searching for a new love. 诚非因为她富,恰是你已变心。 Chéng fēi yīnwèi tā fù, qià shì nǐ yǐ biànxīn. It is not because she is wealthy, but because you have changed your mind. 注释: 1. 樗树:一种落叶乔木,因其叶形似古代官帽,所以也称"官帽树"。 2. 羊蹄:产于山地、沟谷和草甸土壤中的野生食用植物,味甘,性平,含丰富的维生素C、铁、钙等微量元素。 3. 葍草:一种野生植物,水生或半水生,根状茎呈粉红色或暗红色,祛风散寒,产后补血,有助于产后康复。

诗文: 我行其野,蔽芾其樗。婚姻之故,言就尔居。尔不我畜,复我邦家。

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