
Riverside Daffodils Su Shi Drinking at Eastern Slope by night, I sober, then get drunk again. When I come back, it's near midnight, I hear the thunder of my houseboy's snore; I knock but no one answers the door. What can I do but, leaning on my cane, Listen to the river's refrain? I long regret I am not master of my own. When can I ignore the hums of up and down? In the still night the soft winds quiver On ripples of the river. From now on I would vanish with my little boat; For the rest of my life, I would roam as I float. 【注】此诗为苏轼在黄州横渡江时所作,抒发了他想要隐逸的愿望。 Translation: 青春垂暮,我夜饮东坡。先是清醒,而后再醉。回家已近午夜,听到家仆打呼的雷声;我敲门,无人回应。于是,我只好拄着拐杖,倚江而立,聆听江水的悠扬。 我深感遗憾自己无法掌控自己的命运。何时才能摆脱纷乱喧嚣的世间呢?在寂静的夜晚,江上微风拂动,泛起涟漪。 从今往后,我要和自己的小船一同消失。余生,我要漫游江湖,自由自在。

诗文: 夜饮东坡醒复醉,归来仿佛三更。家童鼻息已雷鸣。敲门都不应,倚杖听江声。