
Title: 相思之情 内容:我居住在长江上游,你居住在长江尾底。日日夜夜想你,却不能见你,你和我啊...同饮一江绿水,两情相爱相知。悠悠不尽的江水什么时候枯竭,别离的苦恨,什么时候消止。只愿你的心,如我的心相守不移,就不会辜负了我一番痴恋情意。 注释: 长江:中国最长的河流。 长江上游:指长江发源地到宜昌的一段区域。 长江尾底:指长江入海口的地区。 翻译: I live in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River while you reside at the lower reaches of the same. Day and night, I long for you and yearn to see you, but the distance prevents us from meeting each other. You and I drink the same green river water, and our love and understanding for each other grows deeper with each passing day. When will the never-ending river dry up? When will our bitter separation come to an end? I only hope that your heart will be as faithful to me as mine is to you, so that my unrequited love for you will not be in vain.

诗文: 我住长江头,君住长江尾。日日思君不见君,共饮长江水。

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