
Jiangchengzi Song · Qin Guan Translated by Tonggui Wang The willows in the West City sway gently with the touch of spring, And bring back my sorrow of parting, tears I cannot restrain. I recall how you lovingly tied my boat for my return, And the green fields, red bridge, and farewell of that year still burn. But now, where are you? Only the flowing river I can see, The beauty of youth never lasts, it fades inevitably. When will this parting sorrow end, I wonder with regret, As catkins fly and flowers fall, I climb the hill, my heart upset.

诗文: 西城杨柳弄春柔。动离忧。泪难收。犹记多情,曾为系归舟。碧野朱桥当日事,人不见,水空流。

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